Saturday, November 21, 2009

Monday, November 20, 2006

Jack The Ripper

I was browsing through some stories on Yahoo today and found this, very interesting:

Jack the Ripper was 'frighteningly normal': police

LONDON (AFP) - Jack the Ripper was short, stocky and about 30 years old -- "frighteningly normal" -- according to a profile of the notorious Victorian-era killer published using state-of-the-art technology.

In the profile, the man who strangled and butchered five London prostitutes looks probably very different from the man authorities were searching for at the time, police said Monday.
Laura Richards, head of analysis for the Metropolitan Police's Violent Crime Command, has drawn up what is believed to be the most accurate portrait of the murderer after analyzing evidence from the case using modern police techniques.
She claims that the evidence from 118 years ago shows that the ripper was between 25 and 35 years old, had a stocky build, and stood between five feet five inches and five feet seven inches tall.
The evidence can also likely locate where he lived.
"For the first time, we are able to understand the kind of person Jack the Ripper was," said Richards, who in the past has studied serial killer Fred West and Ian Huntley, who murdered two girls.
"We can name the street where he probably lived and we can see what he looked like; and we can explain, finally, why this killer eluded justice," Richards said.
Working alongside former Metropolitan Police commander John Grieve, she assembled experts like pathologists, historians and a geographical profiler to understand why the case was never solved and to see whether it still could be.
"This is further than anyone else has got. It would have been enough for coppers to get out and start knocking on doors... they would have got him," Grieve said.
Drawing on modern experience, the experts studied his legend, analyzed the Ripper's crimes and retraced his steps while examining 13 different witness statements taken at the time of the killings.
The details produced a picture of someone who was "perfectly sane, frighteningly normal, and yet capable of extraordinary cruelty," Richards said.
Grieve added: "It's a popular misconception that nobody ever saw the murderer, that he just vanished into the fog of London. Well that's just not right. There were witnesses at the time who were highly thought of by the police.
"If we were doing this investigation today, we could pool together all these descriptions and the kind of face that the police were clearly looking for. You could come up with a composite and you can go beyond just a full face, you can get something that really helps the police to look for suspects."
The results of the study will be broadcast on the Five television channel on Tuesday.
In January this year, Jack the Ripper was voted Britain's most hated individual in a BBC poll, which described him as the forerunner of modern serial killers.

*I have attached a picture of a computer generated image of how what police believe Jack The Ripper looked like*

I found this story very interesting but i also wondered, why are police trying to solve murders from over 100 years ago? Dont they have more producive things to be doing, like solving murders that are happening now....nonetheless, it is still interesting.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Word of the Day: Nov 14 2006

Todays Word of The Day is : Supercilious

Definition: 1. Overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance:

2. Arrogant, stuck-up

Where i found it: Searching on a page of cartoon's for a different word

Monday, November 13, 2006

Records vs. Cd's vs. itunes

itunes, the wave of the future? Or just another passing fad?
Like anyone else my age, I have an ipod and have been enjoying it since I got it. But is itunes and downloadable music the wave of the future? Or is it just another passing fad?…I grew up in the 90's and have been raised on Cd's, my first Cd was from the one hit wonder band Aqua, yes I realize it was not much to brag about but that CD created much controversy with its song 'Barbie Girl' and was even involved in a Lawsuit with Mattel, but moving on. Growing up with Cd's I have created quite a collection and still look forward to new ones coming out. One of my friends asked me why I was still buying them and why I didn’t just buy an itunes card and download them off the internet. Cd's have become part of my lifestyle; I love having a cd collection and still enjoy going out to HMV or wherever it is and buying new ones when they are released. They have become the Vinyl's of my generation, when cassettes came out some people were reluctant to switch over because records were such a big thing. It was not all about the quality of the music; it was everything from the cool record sleeves to the joy of being able to add another record to your collection. Cd's are the same to my generation, I like being able to get a new cd that has an awesome cover and a cool cd booklet that contains everything from art by the lead singer like rob zombie or random statistics about earth from our lady peace in healthy in paranoid times. Many people believe that downloadable music is the wave of the future and will replace cd's in the near future, I partially agree in that it is part of the future but I don’t think that it will replace cd's altogether, look at records, they are still around today and people still buy them. There are still shops in downtown area's that thrive only on the business of selling records, if they can still succeed off of that then there are no stopping cd's anytime soon. The technology is evolving so fast and so quickly that they are putting cd players everywhere as welling as making things compatible with ipod's and mp3 players. I would much rather buy a new CD and then put it onto my ipod then just buying an itunes card and downloading the songs, I cant even count how many times I have downloaded a song and accidentally deleted it and then cursed myself, with pulling it off of a CD you do not have that problem. In the end I believe that it will take something much stronger then downloadable music to kick cd's completely out of the picture, I plan on keeping every cd I own and buying more to add to my collection.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Word of the day: Nov 12 2006

Todays word is: Oxpecker

Deifnition: Either of two African starlings (Buphagus africanus or B. erythrorhyncus) that feed on the ticks found on the hides of large wild or domestic animals

Where i found it: I dont know....stumbled across it well looking for a different word

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Word of the day: Nov 11 2006

Todays Word of the day is : antidisestablishmentarianism

Definition: originally, opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, now opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country.

Where i found it:......what does it matter, its a kick ass word and i like it so there

Monday, November 06, 2006

Word of the day: Nov 6 2006

Todays word of the day is: buz-baz

Definition: It is an ancient persian word that describes"a showman who makes a goat and monkey dance together"

....yes, that is what you read...making a goat and monkey dance together...just dont ask...its better for everyone

Where i found it: I own a book titled "Theres a word for it". The book contains over 2000 words from different languages that mean the most strange and unusual things, and this is one of them. What you would ever use this for...i dont often do the persians do this?...i dont it really common for a monkey and a goat to dance with each other?...who knows...certainly not me, but there you go.

P.S- i have posted two pictures that most closely resemble what i believe to be a dancing monkey in one and a dancing goat in the contains many things but a picture of a goat and a monkey dancing with each other is not one of them, if anyone can conjure up a picture of a monkey and a goat dancing with each other then feel free to send it to me, thanks