Thursday, November 02, 2006


So as many of you know i was working at Paramount Canada's Wonderland Fearfest this year as a vampire, it was an awesome time and would love to do it next year. Basically i was being paid to run around the park dressed up as a vampire and scare the shit out of people, it was quite amusing and i had a great time. I would highly advise everyone to go next year. I also met a whole bunch of really cool people including another vampyre whos Names is Aremis Slake, you can check out his website and say hi. I have posted a picture of me and another one of the scare actors that i worked with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey so ya u told me 2 leave u a comment so im doin so 2hope fully shut u up lol but ya nice costume dosnt look half bad now hopefully next year if u do it they give u 1 so u dont have 2 borrow crap from every1 u know 2 get 1!! lol