Sunday, November 05, 2006


goddamnit I hate technology, I wrote this very long and meaningful post about how powerful the word love is and how frequently it is used in today's society, but I pushed the wrong key when I was trying to change the colour of my font and it was all gone...ALL OF IT.....stupid computer, 45 minutes it took me to write that post...and it was gone in under a im going to brag about my amazing girlfriend for a second. This is a picture of me and my girlfriend Elissa, she means the world to me and I love her more then anything, I miss her more and more each day that I don't see her. I love you baby

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Ok now I am curious, do you think the word love is used to frequently? Is there misguided use of the word?

What about all the different kinds of love there is? And who really can judge or categorize someone elses feelings?

Hey, your girlfreind is beautiful, does she look like her Mother?